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How Do I Enroll in Medicare?

Now you know how the different parts of Medicare work. So the next question is, how do you enroll? Some people will automatically be eligible for Medicare Part A and Part B, while others will need to sign up for it. In most cases, it depends on:

  1. Your age
  2. Whether or not you’re receiving Social Security benefits.

Here’s what you need to know about whether or not you are eligible—and how to enroll if you are not.

You Automatically Are Eligible for Medicare Parts A and B if:

You Are Not Automatically Eligible for Medicare Parts A and B if: 

If you are not automatically eligible for Medicare Parts A and B, you’ll need to sign up.

Here are the different ways you can enroll:

Note: If you are required to enroll for Medicare, you won’t need to sign up each year. However, each year you’ll have a chance to review your coverage and change plans.

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